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Things Are Getting Better

Things Are Getting BetterGetting

This title provides ample evidence why alto is considered one of the masters of his craft. Here he joins forces with co-founder on vibes to create a variety of sonic atmospheres. They are backed by the all-star ensemble of on piano, on bass, and the one and only on drums. The moody 'Blues Oriental' opens the set with immediately diving in with his trademark fluid runs and shimmering intonation. Counters with a light and lively line that weaves between the rhythm section. The optimistic 'Things Are Getting Better' is a good-natured romp as the co-leads trade and cajole each other into some downright rollicking exchanges.

This directly contrasts with the sultry 'Serves Me Right,' which allows the combo members to demonstrate their collective musical malleability. The interaction between and sparkles as they entwine their respective playing with an uncanny singularity of spirit. The cover of 's 'Groovin' High' contains another spirited performance with some thoroughly engaging improvisation, especially during 's voracious solos. 'Sidewalks of New York' bops freely as unleashes some sublime licks against a hearty and equally boisterous sax.

Things Are Getting Better Xandy Barry Youtube

's 'Sounds for Sid' demonstrates his uncanny ability to swing with a strong R&B vibe. With drop-dead timing and profound instrumental chops, this cut is undoubtedly one of the best from 's earliest canon. The album concludes with a jumping reading of 's 'Just One of Those Things.' While has been uniformly solid, his interjections stand out here as he bridges and undergirds the two as they banter with flair and aplomb. This set can be recommended without hesitation to all manner of jazz enthusiast, as it quite literally offers something for every taste. Some reissues include two bonus tracks supplementing the original seven-song running order, alternate takes of 'Serves Me Right' and 'Sidewalks of New York.'